About Us
Central Ohio Pit Savers aka COPS is a 501c3 Non-Profit helping all breeds of dogs.
We are a Shelter Diversion Organization, not a rescue.
We are 1oo% funded through donations with all non-paid board members and volunteers.
We are not a rescue & do not have the ability to take in dogs.
Our mission is to keep dogs with their loving families, thereby decreasing the number
of dogs entering the Franklin County Dog Shelter and other area shelters.
Our program is dedicated to providing lifesaving assistance for dogs in need,
regardless of owners’ ability to pay.
Some of the assistance programs we provide are:
Monthly low-cost vaccination Clinics (HOPE) in partnership with Rascal Unit
Financial assistance for emergency life-saving veterinary care, spay and neuter, behavior resources, pet food & other supplies
Training assistance
Pet retention education
Humane euthanasia assistance
Any other pet retention services (when funds are available).
We also have our Shelter Diversion Program in conjunction with the Franklin County Dog Shelter
& Adoption Center (FCDSAC) which provides redemption fee assistance for families to get their dogs back (dogs must be spayed/neutered or owners must agree to get them fixed before
we can assist), assistance with annual licensing fees and any other needs (as funds permit) to
prevent a dog from being surrender to the shelter.
We also post and share Rescue only dogs of FCDSAC.